Homework 3/31

Math- Chapter 5, Algebra, Recall Prior Knowledge, complete 5A Textbook pgs. 205-207, #s 1-18


Writing– continuation from class below…

List of Superheroes and Villains – http://www.superherodb.com/characters.php

This is the link to the complete lesson plan. – http://www.readwritethink.org/classroom-resources/lesson-plans/fantastic-characters-analyzing-creating-30637.html?tab=4#session1

  1. Hand out the Compare and Contrast Graphic Organizer printout.  Along with the students, fill in the name of the superhero on the line for Item #1 and the name of the super-villain on the line for Item #2.   THIS HAS ALREADY BEEN COMPLETED

DOWNLOAD COMPARE AND CONTRAST CHART: http://www.readwritethink.org/files/resources/lesson_images/lesson275/compcon_chart.pdf

  1. Go down the lists on the board of the super-characters’ qualities and ask students discuss the similarities and differences between the two.  Fill in the worksheet with the class accordingly.  You may find that you run out of room rather quickly in the “How are they alike?” category.  This should help illustrate for students that the distinction between “good” and “evil” is not always clear, and that, surprisingly, heroes and villains are often as much or more alike than they are different.  (In fact, generally what distinguishes them involves an irreversible choice at a crucial turning point in their history, rather than something inherent: a significant moment arrives wherein they are forced to make a decision to help, harm, or neglect, and they are forever changed by their actions.)   THIS HAS BEEN DISCUSSED IN CLASS
  1. FOR HOMEWORK- write a 1-2 page essay answering the following questions below using our discussions in class and your character chart as support.

Ask students what they think about heroes having so much in common with villains. What does this mean or suggest?  Discuss choices the characters have made to show themselves to be “good” or “evil,” and whether or not such choices are straightforward or involve extraordinary circumstances.  Do the characters appear to understand that their actions have consequences, and if so, how do they deal with this “enlightenment”?  (Again, the purpose here is to get students thinking about characters from varying points of view, as well as the complexities of human behavior and actions, and to investigate beyond direct impressions.)


  1. FOR NEXT CLASS SESSION, FRIDAY: Explain that in the next session, students will create their own super-characters and choose a problem in society for their characters to tackle, the ways superheroes and super-villains in comic books and movies usually take on large-scale issues. Encourage students to start thinking about issues in society or in their own lives that they think a super-character should be concerned with.


Reading– http://www.yesterdaysclassics.com/previews/hyde_greek_preview.pdf

Read ‘The Great Deluge,’ myth, starts on pgs. 9-12

Summarize and try and figure out what the moral of the story is.


52 thoughts on “Homework 3/31

  1. Mr. S….
    The Greek myth you sent out in really a roman myth because the roman god of the sea is Neptune and Jupiter is the roman Father of the gods. Zeys is the Greek father of the gods and Poseidon is the Greek god of the sea. The story is backwards!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. PizzaBoy17

        asking all them questions wait its not a question wheres the question mark? “?” THIS IS WHATS SCHOOLS FOR JAZMINE OR Faithful6732. Don’t care about the numbers I care about the grammar. Come on, for real, are you serious. Ha Ha My Computer doesn’t recognize you name. GRAMMAR WOMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    1. PizzaBoy17

      go to http://www-k6.thinkcentral.com/ then

      Country: United States
      State: New Jersey
      District: Private School
      School: St Philip’s Academy, Newark 07103

      hmmmmmmmmmmmmm…………………. It seems like you and D.M. don’t have an account like the rest of our class. Welp i’m sorry I tried to help. Next time be more responsible!


    1. Hey….sorry, I didn’t see a sneaker outside anywhere, but I also wasn’t looking for one either! :-\
      Of course now it’s raining -I believe that someone brought it it inside, though. I think the kids at PACS are raised well enough that if they saw a child’s sneaker or shoe sitting and waiting for the ran, I hope they would bring it inside….please let me know what happens.


      1. Cierra must have took it out of my backpack because it open when i chased her down because she took my hat by the place where we go for the fire drill and it must be there on the ground or it was by the light and i didn’t see it fall


  2. Have you tried talking to Cierra? If she was involved as you have been saying she was, it’s important that she gets a chance to speak up as well. I”ll send a message her way.


  3. The sneaker is a Stephen Curry Sneaker and it is gray, black and it have a quote and the number 30 on it

    Keysean Bush
    Cierra must have took it out of my backpack because it open when i chased her down because she took my hat by the place where we go for the fire drill and it must be there on the ground or it was by the light and i didn’t see it fall

    Keysean Bush
    Mr.s my one pair of my sneakers are gone have you seen it because I need that other pair

    Have you tried talking to Cierra? If she was involved as you have been saying she was, it’s important that she gets a chance to speak up as well.


  4. I’m gonna tell my mom to text your mom to tell her that you said I was a baby and that I am taking my very first baby step in learning! Now how do you feel, huh?! Small or big?!


    1. Keysean Bush

      My bad On Apr 2, 2016 5:30 PM, “Nothing in the world is impossible. The word itself says Im Possible. – Audrey Hepburn” wrote:

      > Faithful269 commented: “Jazmine.” >


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