Pickup Basketball Games at the Park!

If I can get the gym available that would be even better, but in the meantime, I think it is an invaluable life lesson for the kids to get outside to the parks and work with other kids their age at organizing games without arguing over all the details. If there’s a local park that people frequent that has some pretty good nets and competition, I am more than willing to come down and play so long as we get a decent number of kids to sign/show up. Just another idea to try and get the kids out of the house, ha! Just let me know what you think, thanks!

PS Online

🙂  Now that it is summertime I figure this is the best chance to start up some friendly gaming competition that had been chirped about all year long  🙂


For all those with a PS4, my gamertag is : Awesome-Oneder

Just send me a friend request…I look forward to some fun times ahead!